Özyeğin University’s gender equality awareness seminars have started
In accordance with its Gender Equality Plan, Özyeğin University has launched a series of Gender Equality Awareness seminars and workshops for academic and administrative staff. Covering the period between mid-February and mid-Fall semester of the 2019-2020 Academic Year, these seminars and workshops will be held with 7 groups of administrative personnel and directors, and 15 groups of faculty

PLOTINA project data published in Gender, Work & Organization journal
Charikleia Tzanakou PLOTINA team member from the Department of Politics and International Studies of the University of Warwick has recently published a piece of research in the journal Gender, Work & Organization together with Ruth Pearce, researcher at the School of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Leeds.
The article, entitled “Moderate feminism within or against the neoliberal university? The example

Inclusive language training at Mondragon Unibertsitaea
Mondragon Unibertsitatea held a course on inclusive language on 11 January 2019. This training was organized within the training sessions that have been proposed based on the equality plan for Mondragon Unibertsitatea that has been designed within the PLOTINA project.
Apart from people from the field of communication in the 4 faculties that make up Mondagon Unibertsitatea, collaborators from different companies

Gender mainstreaming in Turkish universities
Özyeğin University organised a panel entitled “Gender Mainstreaming Actions and Plans of Universities in Turkey” on 13 December 2018, which was held jointly with the Turkey office of European Women Rectors Association (EWORA) following their meeting on the same day. The panel was chaired by Özyeğin University Rector Esra Gençtürk and included invited speakers from four universities in Turkey –

Özyeğin University has hired a Gender Equality Specialist

Best practices from the PLOTINA Gender Equality Plan in the University of Warwick: Academic Returners Fellowship Scheme
The University of Warwick shows some good practices they have developed for other institutions to consider adopting them on their own institution.
This video highlights is the academic returners fellowship scheme, an scheme designed for those researchers returning from a significant period of parental leave, which provides a financial support, so they can have a period of time to readjust and

Equality in the selection process of people
On December 4th, Mondragon University has given a course about the equality in the selection process of people for the responsible of this activity in the University. The election process has to be done by following some rules, with this, the equality between women and men is guaranteed.
This action was part of a group of formative actions planned in the

PLOTINA Project Meeting. Welcome by president of ISEG Clara Raposo
The PLOTINA Project Lisbon meeting was held at the Lisbon School of Economics and Management (ISEG) from November 28 to 30, 2018.
The welcoming ceremony of the meeting was presided over by Professor Clara Raposo, the ISEG president and first woman to be appointed to the position in that academic institution, whose history spans more than 100 years.
On November 28, the

Conference on Gender Equality Mechanisms and Examples of Institutionalization in Universities
On November 9th, 2018 Özyeğin Üniversity’s PLOTINA Project team participated in the Conference on Gender Equality Mechanisms and Examples of Institutionalization in Universities. Organized by SUGender and Raoul Wallenberg Institute’s Istanbul Office, the conference featured 4 panels and an Open Session.
In the first panel, Zeynep Gülru Göker from Sabanci University and Aslı Polatdemir from the University of Bremen presented the