Enhancing visibility of the gender dimension in research: PLOTINA Dissertation prize

Problem (evidence)

Using different keywords related to gender issues, the titles of the PhD dissertations discussed in the 2014-2016 (three-year period) were analysed and results show a lack of integration of the sex and gender dimensions. On 9 Departments (Agricultural and Food Sciences, Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, History and Cultures, Education Studies «Giovanni Maria Bertin», Sociology and Business Law, Management, Psychology, Economics) over the last three years only 10 theses presented an aspect linked to the gender dimension, highlighting a nearly constant trend over the years: in fact, three theses were defended in 2014, 4 in 2015 and 3 in 2016.


To increase the number of PhD and MA dissertations including the gender and sex variables.


The committee members responsible for the evaluation must be experts in Gender Studies.

Brief outcomes

There was an increase in the attention towards gender issues, in particular in the young generation of students and researchers.

Key area

Researchers and research: gender equality and sex and gender perspective

Type of action

Positive action/policy


Action level of implementation



As for 2017, together with PLOTINA, the UNIBO Guarantee Committee for Equal Opportunities, Employee Wellbeing and Non-Discrimination at Work (CUG) has planned and launched 2 prizes (scholarship: 1000 euro) for 2 Master Degree Dissertations focused on equal opportunity, employee wellbeing and non-discrimination. The Prize was awarded in December of 2017. Moreover, in 2017 one PhD Student scholarship was launched and awarded.

As for 2018 2 scholarships for master’s degree have been launched in Autumn and the winner’s list has been published in December 2018.

As for 2019, 2 scholarships for master’s degree have been launched. The deadline for application is the 31 of May 2019.

In 2017, 2018 and 2019 the budget allocated for this kind of prize increased compared to 2016.

At the following link is possible to find an example of the UNIBO call for application for the prize:


Tips/strategies – Lessons learnt

In 2017, 2018 and 2019 the budget allocated for this kind of prize increased compared to 2016.

A good dissemination of the call for prizes is required.

More detailed Outcomes/Impact

The spread of a gender dimension in the scientific fields where it isn’t usually considered. 

Reflection/what we would do differently

Having more financial resources would mean having more prizes even for PhD’s students.