KEY AREAS | Objectives | Actions |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.1. Promote decision-makers institutional engagement on gender equality | Ratifying the European Charter for Researchers |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.1. Promote decision-makers institutional engagement on gender equality | Enhancing visibility of the support from key actors and senior leader to the GEP (e.g. at conferences, awards, posters or others…) |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.1. Promote decision-makers institutional engagement on gender equality | Ensuring senior leadership is accountable for the implementation and evaluation of gender equality actions |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.1. Promote decision-makers institutional engagement on gender equality | Arranging regular GEP follow-up meeting with senior management, leaders, human resources staff, to create ownership of the GEP, to strengthen the potential of the plan and maximize its impact |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.1. Promote decision-makers institutional engagement on gender equality | Formally providing empirical data to decision-makers to make gender situation visible and known |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.1. Promote decision-makers institutional engagement on gender equality | Organizing initiatives to enhance engagement and commitment of decision makers and key actors in gender equality activities |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.2. Create structures and offer tools to support and promote gender equality in the institution with the engagement of key figures | Appointing delegates (in departments/faculties/schools) to be responsible for monitoring and ensuring that workplace procedures and practices are gender-neutral |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.2. Create structures and offer tools to support and promote gender equality in the institution with the engagement of key figures | Creating a Gender Equality Unit/Office - provided with annual financial and human resources - acting also, as an in-house expert focal point and an advisory source to Departments that reports to decision making bodies Özyeğin Üniversitesi experience Lisbon School of Economics and Management experience |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.2. Create structures and offer tools to support and promote gender equality in the institution with the engagement of key figures | Creating the figure/role of gender and diversity coordinator that refers to top decision bodies |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.2. Create structures and offer tools to support and promote gender equality in the institution with the engagement of key figures | Creating a Gender Equality Team, provided with the necessary skills and experience and with time/financial resources, that will take the lead to coordinate the implementation of the GEP |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.2. Create structures and offer tools to support and promote gender equality in the institution with the engagement of key figures | Ensuring engagement of institution key figures (human resources staff, staff in the Governing bodies, workers'union representatives,...) and all the necessary Experts (ex. Change management, Marketing, etc…) in the Gender Equality Team |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.2. Create structures and offer tools to support and promote gender equality in the institution with the engagement of key figures | Creating a network structure with the aim to facilitate and maintain communication and cooperation between actors in the areas of gender research and gender equality practice in different levels and fields |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.2. Create structures and offer tools to support and promote gender equality in the institution with the engagement of key figures | Developing initiatives to raise gender awareness and capacity at all levels of the organization with provision of training to staff, teaching and research staff Mondragon Unibertsitatea experience Özyeğin Üniversitesi experience |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.2. Create structures and offer tools to support and promote gender equality in the institution with the engagement of key figures | How to film an organisational video showcasing E&D activities |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.3. Promote a more horizontal, gender-aware and egalitarian leadership in the institution | Raising gender equality awareness through the development and provision of seminars in these topics to senior leadership and key figures |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.3. Promote a more horizontal, gender-aware and egalitarian leadership in the institution | Requiring governing bodies' members to attend gender equality training(s) |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.3. Promote a more horizontal, gender-aware and egalitarian leadership in the institution | Organizing initiatives for a gender sensitive and diversity competent leadership |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.3. Promote a more horizontal, gender-aware and egalitarian leadership in the institution | Promoting a more horizontal-leadership style within the institution, beyond the traditional authoritative/commanding to include e.g. democratic/coaching and affiliative styles |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.4. Prevent and combat sexual and gender-based harassment in the institution | Developing and maintaining sexual harassment prevention and support structures/channels, easily available, accessible and well communicated to all stakeholders |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.4. Prevent and combat sexual and gender-based harassment in the institution | Analysing the support structures and/or procedures that exist in the institution, and revising them if necessary |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.4. Prevent and combat sexual and gender-based harassment in the institution | Offering specific training on sexual and gender-based harassment to staff members that are responsible for this issue in the institution |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.4. Prevent and combat sexual and gender-based harassment in the institution | Organizing awareness-raising sessions on sexual and gender-based harassment for all staff-members |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.5. Promote diversity and inclusivity with the institutional use of communication | Analysing institutional documents, communication materials and websites; developing a guide on inclusive use of language for written and visual communication |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.5. Promote diversity and inclusivity with the institutional use of communication | Reviewing the communication of the University in order to identify strengths and weak points from a gender perspective |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.5. Promote diversity and inclusivity with the institutional use of communication | Reviewing regularly any text, communication and/or images, internal or external documentation, from a gender equality and diversity standing point, use of language included |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.5. Promote diversity and inclusivity with the institutional use of communication | Providing staff members with useful tools that will help them using an inclusive language, such as guidelines and spell-checking programs |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.5. Promote diversity and inclusivity with the institutional use of communication | Organizing targeted training sessions on the inclusive use of language and images to different stakeholders of the institution (communication managers, leaders, administrative staff, general staff…) |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.6. Promote interdisciplinary gender networks/links within and among RPOs | Creating interdepartmental network structures such as for example, a virtual (online) forum to discuss gender equality issues among RPO staff members |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.6. Promote interdisciplinary gender networks/links within and among RPOs | Creating a Gender Equality Agents network |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.7. Review the institution (representation, structures, culture…) from a gender perspective | Integrating and analysing questions about gender equality issues in internal questionnaires about staff satisfaction at work or working atmosphere |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.7. Review the institution (representation, structures, culture…) from a gender perspective | Gathering gender disaggregated data regularly, quantitative and qualitative. Analysing these data in a dedicated Report so as to monitor gender and diversity in the organization |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.8. Adopt strategies to encourage accountability at all levels for the implementation and institutionalization of the GEP in the RPO/institution | Including Gender Equality as a core issue in formal documents: policy, communication, marketing,…for internal and external stakeholders |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.8. Adopt strategies to encourage accountability at all levels for the implementation and institutionalization of the GEP in the RPO/institution | Formally requesting consideration of the gender perspective in the planning of university activities, when applicable |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.8. Adopt strategies to encourage accountability at all levels for the implementation and institutionalization of the GEP in the RPO/institution | Planning university activities from a gender perspective |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.8. Adopt strategies to encourage accountability at all levels for the implementation and institutionalization of the GEP in the RPO/institution | Including the Gender Equality Report and the relative Gender Equality Plan - with quantitative and qualitative data - in the Programming cycle of top decision making bodies/Governance |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.8. Adopt strategies to encourage accountability at all levels for the implementation and institutionalization of the GEP in the RPO/institution | Integrating Gender Equality policies and processes in the Quality System Management |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.9. Ensure all stakeholders are aware and have easy access to the information about the gender equality policy and GEP implementation | Communicating the institutional gender balance policy adopted to reach gender balance in all Governing, top decision making Bodies and Managing roles |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.9. Ensure all stakeholders are aware and have easy access to the information about the gender equality policy and GEP implementation | Designing, implementing and evaluating a communication campaign/process to enhance visibility and support to the change effort in the RPO |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.9. Ensure all stakeholders are aware and have easy access to the information about the gender equality policy and GEP implementation | Communicating the RPO's gender equality policies and providing newly-hired staff memberswith online and/or hard copies (e.g. hard copies at induction, a dedicated website, etc.) |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.9. Ensure all stakeholders are aware and have easy access to the information about the gender equality policy and GEP implementation | Providing online and/or hard copies of gender equality and diversity policies to internal and external staff |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.9. Ensure all stakeholders are aware and have easy access to the information about the gender equality policy and GEP implementation | Developing a communication plan that includes all stakeholders to communicate the initiatives linked to the gender equality and diversity policy of the institution |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.10. Engage students as stakeholders in gender equality institutional process | Encouraging students' organizations to get involve in particular activities to develop the understanding of equality and diversity among the students |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.10. Engage students as stakeholders in gender equality institutional process | Recognition given to student feminist groups, by offering them options to participate in relevant discussions, meetings, committees to present their views… |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.10. Engage students as stakeholders in gender equality institutional process | Providing resources for student unions and groups to organize awareness raising events for the student population |
KA1 - The governance bodies, key actors and decision-makers | 1.10. Engage students as stakeholders in gender equality institutional process | Requiring students who are members of governing bodies to attend gender equality training |
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