Second (last) day of PLOTINA Final Conference
The second day of the Final Conference “Regendering Science. For an inclusive research environment” of the H2020 project “PLOTINA. Promoting gender balance and inclusion in research, innovation an training” was spent in the same friendly atmosphere that prevailed yesterday: the camaraderie among the attendees was evident, and the interesting reflections made in the sessions that made up the day were remarkable.

The second day of the conference started with four parallel sessions, to continue the discussions on specific issues of the day before. After the lunch break, the conference came to its end with a plenary session.
In the closure of the conference, PLOTINA Advisory Board members Anna Isaksson (WITEC SE) and Alexandra Bitusikova (Matej Bel University), members of the PLOTINA Advisory Board highlighted that the PLOTINA results are outstanding and the developed tools are extremely useful.
For more details and images, visit the Final Conference page
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